The School and Its aim:
The three aspects - Primary education, perceptions and circumstances play most
effective role in the formation ofa child's personality and character. Basic education itself is
the foundation of higher-education. The college administration always keeps it in view.
The school has the primary objective of education the children of the
community. However, we shall not spare any effort in rendering our service to all
people, irrespective of caste and creed, so as to conserve their religion, language and culture. It is a
school for both boys and girls. The medium of instruction is English.
Ideal Students & Teachers Ratio:
The syllabus is so devised as to lead the child to discover
judge and decide things for himself. The method Learning By
Doing makes studies not a task to be completed but an experience
to be lived furthermore the ideal ratio of an average of 35-40
students per teacher develops a healthy relationship in this
informal homely atmosphere the child grow in a climate of care
and affection.
Individual Attention:
Individual attention is given to each and every child, Daily
Homework is carefully corrected, tests are held and suggestions
for the child further progress are regularly given to the parents.